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Sunday, April 03, 2005

Just been thinking about that whole Terri Schiavo thing, where a US President that shall remain nameless said he cautioned on the side of life (as a baby died in a Texas hospital because a law he passed cautioned on the side of profits). How Tom DeLay cried like a kid with a burst balloon about "activist" judges as activist "Christians" planned to murder / trespassed on private property / threatened the family on the side of legally proven right, by 'phone, over the issue. The fact that DeLay is under investigation for gross criminal misgivings has nothing to do with it, I'm sure. Just like when petty criminals cry foul over the legal system that caught them in the act has nothing to do with their petty and peurile opinion either.

So here's my wishes. It may not be on paper, but I'm the only person that knows my login to this blog, so it shows it comes from me.

I, Shawn Orlando Seabrook...

love life, especially mine. If I'm in any accident where the possibility exists that I could still communicate in a manner that leaves no room for the interpretation "is he really communicating with us?", even by the most convoluted of artificial means, then I want that to be made available to me so that I can communicate my wishes. Not the wishes of opportunistic politicians, or rich people that make their money by selling religious dogma to the masses. My wishes. If I'm in a compromised physical condition, but still have the chance for mental aptitude in future, then hook me up to anything that keeps me alive long enough to recover from my physical distress.

don't believe, however, in fighting a hopeless fight. If I'm ever in the situation where I will never recover from something that mentally debilitates me, then I don't want to be kept needlessly alive. If two independent medical experts have confirmed that I am not in any cognative state beyond pure reflexes, and will never be anything more than a biological food processor, then let me die. Use any part of my body for medical and scientific purposes after I'm gone. I believe it's just a shell and I won't need it anymore.

trust in my wife if there's any situation that's not clear cut. If I'm not in a position to make a decision, and I didn't cover the bases in the two paragraphs above, she's in control. She's the boss, and what she says is final.

believe in timely resolutions. The maximum time I should be left in a debilitative state, one where I'm artificially kept going, is 36 months from the time of the first life-saving procedure. The only exception to this rule is if I'm in a coma, and all I need is artificial hydration and feeding, and medical experts agree that I could still be mentally active within my coma. In tht case, please refer to the paragraph regarding my wife.

That's it. Dated the 3rd of April, 2005. Me.

Listen : Believe - Chemical Brothers ... Medical Love Song - Monty Python's Flying Circus ... It's My Life - Talk Talk.

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