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Wednesday, August 06, 2003

I really should keep this bloody thing updated. In the time I've been otherwise occupied I've missed commenting on a war in Iraq, Kobe Bryant's penchance for the "tradesman's entrance" and the lousiest summer North Americans can remember. Meanwhile, they're dying of heatstroke all over Europe. And I thought I had escaped dreary summers by moving from England.

What I do have to talk about is football (translation: soccer) and arses (translation: asses). Some might voice the opinion that they're one and the same. Everyone's entitled to an opinion, even if it's wrong.

To borrow some words from the band Gomez... "once upon a time, not so long ago, we took a day out in Manchester". Not exactly. We took a day out to see Manchester. Manchester United toured the States and we saw them beat Barcelona 3-1 in Philadelphia's new Lincoln Financial Field. A name they'll hope won't get dragged down the same alley-way as Enron Field. Then our car was almost rammed by some snob in a Lexus SUV and we thought we were going to get lost in the wilderness that is New Jersey (motto: you lookin' at me?) during our detour. As it turns out, we missed a lot of traffic by driving on the other side of the Delaware River.

I just re-read my last post (in MARCH!) and I forgot to mention the Yankees game. David Wells was pitching against the Toronto Blue Jays, and we lost. And the weather was awful. Again. But it was a good day out for all concerned so it all worked out in the end.

Speaking of the end: arses. Tomorrow is a rather interesting day for me because I'm going to get a colon exam. Yes, as my American friends and work collegues would say, I'm "gonna get my ass reamed". The reason: blood on my toilet paper that has me worried sick about colorectal cancer. I haven't eaten anything since 7pm last night (21 hours ago or so) and now I'm drinking a mixture of Gatorade and laxative powder. One 8-fluid-ounce (200ml) glass every fifteen minutes until this two litre bottle of Lime-flavoured stuff is gone. I took two Dulcolax tablets already this morning and my BM has the consistency/smell/appearence of a herd of camels. I had chicken broth for lunch and a bowl of jelly (translation: Jello) for later.

Things can only get better after I wake up from the anaesthesia tomorrow. Then I get to eat chewable food for the first time in 42 hours. Joy! Maybe we'll find a house, 'cos we're STILL LOOKING!

Why don't I tell you what happens tomorrow when I'm up to it?

Listen: 2+2=5 - Radiohead ... Crazy Beat - Blur ... Whippin' Piccadilly - Gomez