...well, maybe not THAT much! But I have been helping out at our local Barack Obama office when I have the time to spare. He picked a local to be his running mate, Joe Biden. He grew up less than two miles from where I'm typing this. We're in the middle of convention sleep deprivation now, after coming off of a few weeks of Olympic sleep deprivation (well done to both the US and GB teams for mopping up so many medals).
And as for John McCain not being able to remember how many houses he has? Cover your ears kids...
...fuck you. And you called Obama, a man raised by a single mother and his grandparents, an elitist and out of touch? You freaking snob.
What else has happened? Oh yeah, went to a Yankees game. Always a nice day out. Especially on days when we beat the Kansas City Royals 15-6!
There's me, in the middle, arms crossed, talking to Shocker.
The new Yankee Stadium can be seen in the background. Final year for The House That Ruth Built.
Derek Jeter, shortstop for the Yankees, lets one fly early in the game. You can see the ball in the top right of the pic.
Well, I wish I had some other groundbreaking news. I'll just leave you with my two songs for today...
Great DJ by The Ting Tings. She reminds me of Debbie Harry from Blondie.
Love Is Noise by The Verve. Good to see the band back together with a slightly different sound.