Stupid thought for the day: how quickly your internet postings can go out-of-date.
This has nothing to do with content. This is a diary, after all, so if I were to say "the winners of the last FIFA World Cup were Brazil", that's true for today. If someone reads the entry in forty years time and says "ah, but surely [enter country name here] are the last World Cup winners", they're right. but they're not saying it in the spring of 2006, are they.
I'm getting ahead of myself: it's not spring until tomorrow. But I digress. Out-of-datedness.
When I went over from dial-up to DSL (ah, the joys of broadband internet), I didn't update the picture links on the blog. Anything that pointed to the old AT&T site became broken links as soon as that contract ended.
I just updated images to display normally again. If only there was a way to get a blog to do that itself. Maybe if I just uploaded my images to Blogger directly, I wouldn't have these problems.
...and for the 99% of people that think it's a bit geeky to worry about such things: yeah, but I'm happier now I did it.
I also want to spend a few moments giving my brother John a few words of advice.
John, mate.
Clean up your act. You have no idea how lucky you are with Kris. What the Hell are you playing at? There's nothing wrong with going with the flow in life, taking the bad with the good, and not lying to people. Example: telling Kris I was just over here for 6 weeks? WTF?! Anyone that goes into any search engine (Yahoo, Google, MSN, Ask Jeeves etc.) and searches for my name gets this page. There are other people with my name, some hits are links to web forums I posted to with old email addresses or ISPs ( still has my At&T website archived, I see), some hits link to other stuff entirely, but it's the information age ...and they can read I've been here for
slightly longer than six weeks. Don't you think I would have posted anything like you had said if it were even remotely true? After all, I posted about the death of a 14-year-old dog!
This is it. Your chance. Ball's in your court, bro.
Listen - Body Movin' (Fatboy Slim Remix) - Beastie Boys ... Apply Some Pressure - Maximo Park ... Room 512 - Psychid (downloaded from clicking around a bit on ).